SEO Dallas

Tag Archives: direct ranking influencers

September 3, 2020

Top 10 Influencers on LinkedIn and Twitter For Digital Marketing

Top 10 Influencers on LinkedIn and Twitter For Digital Marketing Following top influencers for Digital Marketing on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter) can be an amazing way to feel inspired and learn more about the industry you’re most interested in. If you want to learn more about digital marketing, take a look at our favorite […]

February 14, 2018

10 SEO tips to drastically increase walk-ins to your restaurant

When the Internet did not exist, restaurateurs heavily relied on word of mouth, print-media ads and walk-in traffic to make their restaurant or café run. But then came social media, smartphones and of course Google. Yes, Google is important. It accounts for more than 65% of search engine market share for restaurants. Given the high […]

August 13, 2015

How can You Grow & Get Ranked on YouTube?

No matter what, you won’t be anywhere near the top rankings of YouTube with content that viewers don’t want to watch. So, after you’ve become confident that you have the ability to offer quality videos, you are then cleared to start utilizing the methods YouTube offers to augment your visibility and gain ranking. Where to […]