SEO Dallas

Tag Archives: Marketing

October 4, 2017

5 Unique Tips to Get Your Facebook Ads to Generate Leads and Boost Sales

You’ve had enough of Facebook ads that haven’t given any results. Unfortunately, you can’t drop Facebook Ads from your marketing budget anymore but the pain is that they simply ain’t working. All right, we’ll not get into the recent controversy political advertisements on Facebook that were bought by a spurious Russian internet agency. In spite […]

November 26, 2014

Bygone are the days of “Facelift Launch” event and bang of Media coverage, latest is “invite only”

Hi everyone, I just stumbled upon this URL: in the morning today and it somehow triggered me to think about all that follows:   What shall we call this tactic of marketing? It seems the marketing brains at E-commerce giants have discovered yet another leak in the psychology of Indian consumer, that tends to […]