Effective inbound marketing depends on high-quality content that is timely, useful, and relevant. It is the fuel that drives sharing on social media and email, and the most effective way to generate that fuel is through public relations. In our social media dominated world, many have been left wondering where public relations really fits into online marketing. Here’s your answer.
PR-savvy digital marketing experts in Dallas, TX have historically been obsessed with media circulation and TV/radio ratings. Although such digital PR agencies recognized the power of TV, print had the advantage of a longer shelf life through reprints and photo copies.
In the Internet era, however, the subsequent redistribution of content has become more important than the initial publication. Even video now has a significant shelf life and potential for redistribution, thanks to advances in digital technology.
Redistribution not only occurs via email, website postings, and social media, but also through web searches. This gives published articles and videos a shelf life of not just weeks or months, but years. Consequently, building a presence and visibility on the Web always must be a major objective for marketers.
At Digital Success, we emphasize the collaborative development of intelligent content worthy of and suitable for secondary distribution via email, websites, and social media. Our content development services include:
By adding “classic” public relations strategies and tactics to your marketing mix, you can
achieve a synergistic effect and be even more effective. Our public relations services include:
Ongoing Strategic Publicity and
Media Relations
Ongoing PR